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-Wayne Keehner, Contributor 

TNA Wrestling officially returned last night with Hard To Kill , featuring some hard-hitting action emanating live from the Palms Casino Resort in Paradise, Nevada. Here's our match-by-match breakdown of the show.


(Pre-Show on TNA+ Network Exclusive)

Match 1: Rich Swann vs. Steve Maclin

This was a really good match to open up the pre-show. It had a mix of fast paced and high impact moves. Both men went back and forth for the majority of the match until finally Maclin hit Swann with his "KIA" for the win.


Winner: Steve Maclin


Match 2:  The System: Eddie Edward's and Brian Myers vs. Kazarian and Eric Young

This was your Classic heel versus face tag match. Both teams traded off having the advantage with all 4 men getting their moves in timely fashion. Ultimately it was The System that picked up the win via pinfall.

Winner: The System: Eddie Edward's and Meyers.


Special segment: DJ Whooo Kid and AJ Frances came out to debut their new Music Video to the world. About 45 seconds into the video playing, it abruptly changed to Joe Hendry's entrance video. He came out and debuted his own video making fun of A.J.'s failed dive attempt in WWE, and how the only champ he would ever be is the "Cheez-Itz" champ. (The belt he gave to the Winner of a college Bowl game last month.) Whoo Kid hit Hendry in the back with his lap top and A.J. Francis delivered a choke Slam to Hendry to end the segment.


Match 3: No DQ for the Digital media Championship. Tommy Dreamer defends against Crazy Steve

The bout featured some very unique, not traditional spots. In the end Steve taped Dreamers hands together and loaded his shirt full of plastic forks. He then delivered a cannon ball into the forks and Dreamer's chest. He then hit "BELLADONNA'S KISS" to get the pin and become the new Digital media champion.

Winner: (And New) Crazy Steve


Main Show Card:

The first show of the new TNA Era officially begins. The ropes are yellow like the TNA logo and the color scheme for the Hard to Kill graphics. The entire locker room is out on the stage as Eric Young has the mic to fire up the crowd and the wrestlers.


Match 1: Knockouts Ultimate X match (#1 Contenders Match)

Gisele Shaw vs. Xia Brookside vs. Tasha Steelz vs. Alisha Edward's vs. Jody Threat vs. Dani Luna. 

What an Ultimate X match by six competitors! Dani Luna hit a great Pyramid powerbomb on the rest of the field, which really stood out. In the end it was Gisele Shaw that was able to pull down the X for a monumental win.

Winner: Knockouts #1 Contender Gisele Shaw.


Match 2: Dirty Dango vs. PCO

As soon as the match gets started Johnny Bravo pushes PCO off the top turnbuckle and gets Dango DQ'd. As Dango, Bravo and Broodius begin to stomp PCO, Rhino comes out for the save. Santino Marella comes out and makes it a 3 on 3 tag match, adding Jake Something to the team of Rhino and PCO vs. Dirty Dango, Johnny Bravo and Broodius. After a Gore, Powerbomb and a PCO SAULT on Bravo, the team of Rhino, Something and PCO pick up the win.

Winners: PCO, Rhino and Jake Something


Match 3: Knockouts Tag Title match: MK Ultra (C) vs. Decay 

Rosemary and Masha had an exchange that um.... let's just say, unique. I'm always impressed with what Jessika Havoc can do in the ring! After some incredible double team moves Decay was able to get the pin.

Winners: (And New) Decay: Rosemary and Havoc


Match 4: X division Championship match. Chris Sabin (C) vs. El hijo del Vikingo vs. Kushida.

All I am going to say is, watch this match and don't blink. Wow. These 3 guys are fluidity personified. Everything you would expect from these 3 world class athletes. After a top rope Canadian destroyer on the ramp to Vikingo and a CRADLE SHOCK to Kushida, Sabin retains.

Winner: (And Still) Chris Sabin


Match 5: Alex Hammerstone vs. Josh Alexander.

Josh really worked a methodical match working on Hammerstone's left knee and leg. This match was very high impact. Huge strikes and throws throughout the match. I don't think people give Josh enough credit for his strength. There were some impressive spots of him lifting and slamming Alex in this match! After what was probably match of the night, (up to this point) Josh hits the "C4 SPIKE" to get the pin.

Winner: Josh Alexander


Match 6: Tag Team Championship match. ABC (c) vs. The Rascalz vs. Grizzled Young Vets vs. Speedball / Laredo Kid (Trent Seven had travel issues due to weather)

Fittingly the company rebranded to TNA, because this was Total Nonstop Action. There were moments that I truly believed that any one of the 4 teams were going to pick up the victory! All 8 men really gave all they had in this match and some of the spots were insane. In the end Bey hit the "ART OF FINESSE" and Ace followed up with "THE FOLD" for the win.

Winners: (And still) ABC


Match 7: Knockouts Championship Trinity (c) vs. Jordynne Grace

(Before introductions we see "Ash by Elegance" watching on from ringside. She is formerly Dana Brooke in WWE.)

Early on, Grace was super dominant. Trinity weathered that storm and was able to get in some good offense of her own. At one point she locked in "STARSTRUCK" and hit "THE REAR VIEW" but it wasn't enough to keep Grace down. Finally Grace was able to hit the "JUGGERNAUT DRIVER" to end Trinity's 8 month undefeated streak and become Knockouts Champion. For being the co-main event, both ladies absolutely performed. At one point Grace hit a Muscle buster and Trinity hit an inside out Heat Seeker. It was really a great match!

Winner: (And New) Jordynne Grace


Match 8: TNA Championship match. Alex Shelly (c) vs. Moose

I think pound-for-pound Moose is one of the most complete wrestlers out there. He and Shelly went back and forth for a majority of the match. Shelly started targeting the left arm and shoulder and really used a lot of offense working on that area the remainder of the match. Moose was able to deliver a devastating powerbomb, but only got a 2 count. Moose went for the spear but hit the corner post. Shelly hit sliced bread but only got a 2 count. The other members of the System (Edward's and Meyers w/ D'Angelo Williams from the Panthers) came out, but the members of Time Machine (Sabin and Kushida) came out and fought them to the back. Alex went for the Shell shocked but Moose reversed twice and hit the Spear for the win!


After the match Nic Nemeth came out from the crowd and hit Moose with a superkick and a Zig-Zag? Pretty cool! He then ripped his shirt off to expose a TNA shirt underneath! 

Winner: (And New) Moose


Final Thoughts: A very strong debut PPV for the rebranded TNA. The 4 title changes kept you invested in each match and really set up more questions than answers for the future. (Which is exactly what you want.) What long term roles will Nic Nemeth and Ash by Elegance play? The in ring action was solid as always. Overall, I would give this pay per view a solid 7.5 out of 10!


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