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Courtesy of Disney+ Media


- Kelvin Kately, Senior Editor

Marvel decided to give many of us our childhoods back by reviving the X-Men franchise. However, I'm sure I speak for anyone reading this when I say that none of us could have predicted this revival would have us punching air and/or shedding tears. The writing for this season was absolutely on another level. Every episode led us to a finale that perfectly capped off the season and gave us an immediate desire for more. This review be NON SPOILER, so please feel free to keep reading.  


The cameos of this season were, at times, subtle. However, during the finale they wasted no time in letting us know that some of your favorite Marvel superheroes are all in the same uinverse. The sheer magnitude of just the cameos was enough to keep me excited, while also wanting Marvel to revive THOSE shows.


There was an underlying theme throughout the season based on character relationships, and how those relationships play into the decisions of each of the characters. This played out in a potentially catastrophic situation, with one friend helping  the other discover who they truly were underneath the hate that build inside of them. It was deep, beautiful and poetic. This interaction alone is worth watching the entire series for. It's the "aha" momen that hits like a ton of bricks.


We end the season on one heck of a cliffhangers, as our favorite mutants find themselves in another challenge with one of the most dangerous foes in the Marvel universe. And if the post credit scene was any indicator, next season should be one for the ages!!


Rating: 9.1 out of 10





Images Courtesy of Disney+



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